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JD2E has a range of integrated simulation products with in-house software development and graphic design team for bespoke applications.

The simulators and carefully choreographed scenarios exercise the system skills but also the essential skills such as communications (externally and internally to the aircraft), teamwork, human factors, crew resource management (CRM), airmanship, situational awareness and decision making.

To support our training courses, our simulator systems can be configured to suit requirements.

(select dropdown to see our current solutions)

  • Pilot(s) Virtual Reality (VR) cockpit
  • Mission Commander
  • Sensor Operators

The FCAT allows full crew ISR mission training with the pilots responsible for the flying and positioning of the aircraft whilst interacting with the mission crew.


Simulation and Training

  • Mission Commander
  • Sensor Operators

The RCAT allows the mission crew to train in ISR sorties with the instructor “flying” the aircraft and controlling the synthetic environment.  This can range from a common two-station configuration up to multi-mission aircraft configuration with multiple sensors and operator teams working in challenging environments.

The trainer is especially suited to train crews from Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA), Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA) and Rotary Wing mission crews.

simulation and training

The UCAT allows full crew mission training in the unmanned platform environment with the pilot responsible for the flying and positioning of the aircraft whilst interacting with the mission sensor crew.Simulation and training

  • MANTIS EW/ESM Parametric trainer for analysts
  • SAR/GMTI Simulator
  • EO/IR Camera Simulator
  • Radar Simulator
  • Automated Identification System (AIS)

The standalone simulation allows operators under training to focus on a single sensor at a time.  This is essential to build a solid foundation of understanding that sensor, how to exploit it and the various methods of employment depending on mission type. 

Once proficient the operator normally advances to the more challenging crew training devices such as the RCAT and FCAT to practice airmanship, crew resource management, communications and decision making.Simulation and training

  • Downlink feeds from (FCAT, RCAT or instructor)
  • Link picture
  • Communications (Radios, tactical chat)

The C2 cell has real-time downlink feeds from the other simulators (e.g. FCAT or RCAT above) or instructor stations to exercise Command and Control of the battlespace.

This focuses on decision making, intelligence interpretation, planning and ISR processes.  The map-based tactical data link provides situational awareness information with the video downlink providing the tactical intelligence product.  The C2 Cell closely resembles a Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) and allows commanders to control their aircraft and crews using synthetic radios and MIRC chat as they would for real.  This exercises the full ISR process (TCPED) and allows multi-day campaign type exercises to be carried out.

Simulation Training Aviation Maritime

  • Simulation of airborne or maritime assets
  • Active and Passive ASW
  • Tactical scenarios 
  • Cutting-edge graphics representative of real world scenarios

Our acoustic simulator is a powerful tool that replicates real-world sound environments within a controlled setting. Our acoustic simulator plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal experiences for operators. With the ability to simulate complex targets as well as real world signatures, this is the perfect tool for training airborne or maritime operators in the art of underwater acoustics in a tactical environment.simulation and training

  • Virtual Reality (VR)/ Augmented Reality simulation 
  • Classroom based training
  • Real world missions
  • Missions to suit customer requirements

This device is a standalone piece of equipment that may be used individually or as part of training. The device can be monitored remotely and training can take place at the individuals pace. Currently in use with wind farm operators for inspections as well as police forces across the UK.

simulation and training

  •  Virtual helicopter cabin
  • Simulator driven by instructor
  • Multiple training missions
  • Immersive aircrew trainer
  • Portable

This device allows the procedural training of helicopter rear crew utilising multiple mission scenarios from initial training to more advanced procedures such as winching and confined area landings.

VR Firearms trainer for ground or airborne weapons.Firearms VR